01 August 2012

Impartial Judge

Our Father is impartial and does not show favoritism. He does not love any of His children more than others. We cannot rank ourselves in His eyes. It is His grace, not my resume of good works, that saves me. It is His grace that keeps my very long list of sins from bringing condemnation (Eph 2:8-9). He puts that condemnation instead on Jesus.

When someone wrongs us, we find it hard to believe God will stand as judge on our behalf. We think we are supposed to let it go and forget it happened or excuse it away. In all actuality we instead hold onto the offence. We allow it to fester and grow into bitterness. This is not the way an impartial judge operates. Justice will be served to both parties.

For Christians, our penalty is paid by Jesus. This we readily accept. We readily accept the truth that Jesus died for our sins but when someone sins against us, we suddenly have trouble showing the same forgiveness that was shown us. I am speaking from a lifetime of experience.

When the offender is a Christian, we need to recognize that Jesus is taking that punishment (as He did for us), and we need to recognize that the punishment is enough. Justice was served on our behalf, and Jesus took that punishment.

He will not judge someone for something they did not do nor will he excuse someone for a sin they committed. Present the case your heart accuses then give it to the Father to bring about justice. It is then that we will experience true forgiveness. The Father will hold them accountable for their part in the offence. No more and no less. We in turn get to confess our part and receive forgiveness as well.

It is a precious and freeing experience to receive forgiveness and a refreshening of grace. Imagine the freeing experience it would be for the persecuted Christians to forgive those who drove them out of their homes and land. Imagine what a freeing experience it will be for you when you forgive those who have wronged you as well. I am beginning to grasp this freedom, and it is addictive to be free from bitterness. This is who the Father is. He loves to bring freedom to His children. He sent Jesus so we could have life to the full (Jn 10:10).

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