Over the last few months several people have given me permission to go after the dreams in my heart. These people are not in the same circles so the fact that they said the same thing caught my attention even more.
I was not sure what I should be doing over the next several months and years and was talking with my mentor about this. I wanted to follow God’s direction and did not want to mess it up. She told me to throw open a lot of doors and wait for God to close them. See what God does. He'll either keep opening them, close some or tell me to wait on others. If they are all open, He may ask you to choose. What do you want to do?
One person asked me what I wanted to do vocationally. He told me to make a list of what I wanted in a job (and was reasonable in a job) then advised me not to settle for the next thing that came along. Hold out for something you will actually enjoy and can make a difference in.
Another person pointed out 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NLT) —"May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do" (emphasis mine). What are those things you want to do? God does not always tell us what the next stop on the road trip is. I think He wants us to ask and give our opinion on what we want to do as well. Do you trust God will back you on those dreams? If so, try it. We need to be wise in our decisions but do not use that as an excuse for fear. Bring along wise mentors and friends who will help you and pray with you in this.
All of this culminated in an incredibly freeing experience. It was like I was given permission to chase after those dreams. They could become reality. They are not meant to stay dreams.
So I am giving you the same advise.
Make a list of your gifts (spiritual and natural). What are you good at?Make another list of the things you want to do.What are the desires of your heart? What do you want to do? Then come up with a plan to do them. As you do this, you will begin to see where you need to grow and where you are already pursuing these areas. It is helpful to find people who are doing this and ask their advice.
For example, my list of strengths:
- Writing (or so I'd like to think).
- Teaching.
- Intercessory prayer.
My list of goals:
- Have books published.
- Teach the Bible in its original context.
- See Europe transformed. Pick up where the Reformation failed.
What I'm doing to grow in these areas:
- Blogging and writing chapters for my books.
- Teaching the Bible in my discipleship group.
- Looking into further schooling to get further training.
- Part of a prayer team where the leaders help train us up in these things.
- Made a list of questions for church planters about Europe and movements. Now I need to contact church planters to ask these questions.
Jon Acuff is doing a 30 day challenge with goals (if you aren't following him on Facebook yet, you should. He's hilarious and his blogs are super helpful). Make a goal and then go after it. He suggests cutting your goal in half and adding twice the amount of time you want to accomplish it in. That is super helpful and incredibly challenging because I should be Superwoman, right? I should be able to accomplish great things in small amounts of time. No. I am not invincible. I remember talking about this with my Italy family on a bridge in Venice. The conclusion we came to is that I may not be Superwoman, but I am Wonderwoman. I am stronger than I think. I am capable to chase and achieve dreams because I have the Spirit of God in me who teaches me and directs me.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and dreams are as well.
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