18 November 2012

God will Provide for you Financially

George Mueller was a director of an orphanage in England in the 1800’s. He never solicited monies or donations. He relied solely on prayer so that only God could be credited with providing for their needs. One day, there was nothing for breakfast, but Mueller had everyone sit down as they normally would. They prayed, thanking God for breakfast. When they finished praying there was a knock at the door. The baker had brought over enough bread for everyone, free of charge. A little while later there was another knock. The milkman’s cart had broke down in front of the orphanage, and he asked if they wanted the milk since he could not deliver it. This is just one of the hundreds of stories Mueller got to be a part of because he dared to trust God to provide.

This year I came face-to-face with the question are you willing to let God provide for you? This required me to humble myself and admit I needed help. It caused me to really look at my beliefs. Do I actually trust God enough to provide for me? This was really hard for me to come to grips with. At first my pride would not allow me to trust God or even accept anything from Him. But He was not content to leave me in that state. He wanted to show me more, to take me on an adventure. He started softening my heart through prayer and time in His Word. He began breaking down the misbelief that He would only provide when it came to ministry but not for everyday life. He showed Himself faithful on so many occasions.

Trust that He is faithful
This was hard. I did not have much of a base to go off of so we had to start small. I wasn’t ready for the deep end of the pool yet. At first I was trusting God to provide where I was short. Soon I had to trust Him to provide because I had very little. He will start small and ease you into trusting Him. He wants to gain our trust and not force trust on us.
One day, I got an update from a missionary couple in Italy. They were getting married in a few months and were asking for additional financial support. Among the different requests, they were asking for $150 for a wedding dress. At the time, I did not have money to give them but really wanted to help. I asked God for the $150 so I could give it to them. The next day I got an email from school that they were returning $150 because they overcharged me. It was like God was saving that money so I could bless my friends. How cool is that!
God then had me trust Him for something bigger, a job and financial provision until I got one. A year ago I graduated from college. I spent eight months looking for a job before God provided a full-time position. It was a long eight months. In all honesty, I only had enough saved to allow me to stay here for about three and a half months. God provided for the rest of the months. It was crazy. I felt like the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 or in 1 Kings 17 (minus the widow and child aspect). I should only have been here for a few months but God kept providing for me. He allowed me to stay here until He gave me a full-time job.
This summer, the end of the month was coming to a close and I only had $30 in my bank account. Rent was due in a week and a half and I had no idea how I was going to pay it. There was absolutely nothing I could do but pray. I did not want to ask for help. Part of me did not want to ask for help because of pride, but a larger portion of my heart wanted to see God be a Provider. Throughout Scripture, we see God as a Provider. He provided a lamb in the place of Isaac in Genesis 22. He gave Elijah bread in the desert (1 Ki 17:1-6). He provided food for Elijah and a widow and her son during famine (1 Ki 17). Jesus fed 5,000 people (Mk 6). I wanted a story like that. I wanted to see God provide for me. It was the coolest thing. That week I got several checks in the mail. I had exactly enough to pay my rent. This was not a onetime occurrence either. I got to see God do this on several occasions.
I heard a quote that we should be leaning so far into God that if He is not there we would fall on our face. I want to be so dependent on Him that if He is not there, I will fall on my face. I am definitely at the shallow end of trusting God. I’m only ankle deep. But God is taking me deeper. He wants me to be swimming but we have to work our way up to that. One day I’ll be at that point but it is a hard thing to pray for. I like my comfort. A little too much sometimes. I know God is going to keep stretching me and asking me to trust Him for things beyond my comfort level. However, He is faithful. He will provide. If He gives a promise, He will not back out of it but will fulfill it (Isa 54:10, 1 Sa 15:29).
Dare to ask God to provide for you, and trust that He is faithful. He wants to show you more of Himself and take you on an adventure. It will stretch you and grow you but it is worth it.


  1. I came across your blog when I was googling about trusting God. Thank you so much for your encouraging post. I quit my teaching job of 3 years because it was in another town almost an hour away. During the winter the traveling could be really bad and because it was a charter school there was no voice for the teachers and the hours were very long. I was stressed out all the time and one day I lost it and started screaming and throwing and banging things around (I'm a very easy going person) and my husband was concerned. He wanted me to quit and trust God for another position closer to home. I am 58 years old. I became certified at age 54 so I have age against me. To make a long story short, I quit my job at the end of the school year and have not been able to find another one. Right now I am working 2 part time jobs and we are barely able to pay our bills, in fact some are not paid. After reading your post about George Mueller (I have read much about him). Thank you again! I will trust the Lord!

    1. Thank you for your comment! Our God is good and I pray He gives you many amazing stories from this time of trial.

  2. Great story! God is good


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