10 September 2013

Promises and the Mind of Christ

Continuation of Put Off the Old and Put on the New
Discovering who you are as the new man is like a treasure hunt; it’s exciting, fun. When you are in a treasure hunt or playing hide and seek, what you are looking for is already there. We just get to discover it. The same is true in discovering our identity as a new creation. What we are already exists, we just get to discover it. God has given us his great and precious promises (2 Pe 1:4). They are promises of who God is and of who we are. These promises are things we get to discover and clues as to what God is growing us into and where He wants to take us.
As a New Creation, we need to know the mind of Christ. When we see as Jesus sees then suddenly our perspective changes and we see our circumstances in a whole new light.
Our thinking changes as we renew our minds (Ro 12:2). If we go play outside and get muddy and dirty, we don’t put clean clothes over our dirty ones and call it good. We take off the dirty clothes and put on clean clothes. We take off the old way of thinking and put on the new. Restoration causes transformation. I love how the word rest is in the word restoration. Resting is God’s way of rebuilding us. It is building us into a place of strength, of peace. It is home. It is the place we commune with God. We need to rest and be restored, renewed so we can be changed to be more like God (aka godly).
We have the mind of Christ (1 Co 2:16). We are seated in heavenly places with Him (Eph 2:6). Not only this but we also have the Holy Spirit who “will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (Jn 14:26). 1 John 2:20—we have all knowledge by the Holy Spirit. We don’t need to hold onto lies anymore because we were given Truth, and one of Jesus’ names is Truth (Jn 14:6).
So, if we have the mind of Christ and He is Truth, then He can tell us who we really are and suddenly those lies don’t have power anymore. The more we spend time soaking in the Father’s presence, allowing Him to tell us who we are, the less those lies stick and the clearer our vision becomes. What we hear starts to sink from our heads to our hearts and we start to believe what the Father says about us. We start to see things as the Father sees and we get a whole new perspective on our circumstances.

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