22 February 2012

It feels like _____

This time of year always brings back memories of Italy. Whenever it is a certain temperature outside with just the right humidity or whenever I have an emotion I connected with a particular event or location, my mind immediately jumps back to Italy. I get to experience part of it again. It was such a life-changing time that it is hard not to reminisce. However, I had crossed over into the point of idolizing it. My time in Italy became my idol. Nothing could measure up to my time there. I felt truly alive there because I knew without a doubt I was exactly where God wanted me. Here, I am not travelling to a different city every week or learning a new culture and language. I’m in my own culture, my own language. It isn't the challenge I wanted.
My actions portray that I believe God made a mistake in having me continue to live in Minnesota. I am constantly looking elsewhere instead of at the blessing of where I live now. Grandma Christopher has been telling me, “God doesn’t make mistakes.” She says it with so much trust and such a love and understanding in her voice that her conviction alone makes me believe it. This has really been sinking into my heart these last few weeks. God doesn’t make mistakes. I’m right where He wants me.
Now, whenever I get those feelings, it isn’t Italy or some past adventure I am turning to. Now, it feels like Roseville.

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