30 December 2011


Well, after approx 2 months of blogging silence I have finally updated. During this interlude I managed to:
1)      Finish my senior paper on the influence Roman religion had on the Cult of the Saints
2)      Graduate magnum cum laude with my History B.A. from Northwestern College
3)      Move into an apartment
4)      Begin actively job hunting
5)      Discover the word “pooly” cannot be said without having a Cockney English accent.
This is an interesting and exciting time of life for sure. There is so much newness to revel in. It is a sense of being alive. There are places to be explored, books to be read and maybe even written, and friends to spend time with.
Already I’ve found myself continuing to study Latin (though that isn’t much of a surprise to those who really know me). My bookshelf is finally organized by genre and size, and I can once again see the carpet in my bedroom as the number of overstuffed bags full of unknown items was greatly reduced this morning. As Lauren (roommate last semester) would say, I am sure it is “a hoot” to watch me tiptoe around the leaning towers of folders, clothes and picture frames (not to be confused with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, though they do bear some remarkable similarities) as they wait to find their more permanent home.  
I also am learning how my many dreams fit, or don't fit, together. There are many things I truly enjoy doing, but now I need to discover how I can use them in a career setting. I’ve come a long way from the little girl who used to teach her stuffed animals how to read and who dreamt of becoming an Olympic Gymnast. God has grown my heart immensely and blessed me with some amazing adventures, including the one I am one now.